Gum Disease Treatment

Poor oral health can lead to gum diseases by altering the normal state of the gum. You should consider seeing a dentist immediately to avoid further complications. This is because gum diseases start with inflammation.

Gum Disease Treatment in Richmond Hill

When you notice blood spots or gush when you brush, chew hard substances or floss, and swellings in the gum are vivid signs of potential gum disease. A number of factors may play a role in their occurrence, however. You could also encounter spots on your gum, which are usually white. Also, the mouth begins to produce an unpleasant odour persistently, and the gum grows thin and frail, making them seem as though there is a separation between them and the teeth.. Finally, at times, there is a change in the general outlook of the teeth, the dentition seems disjointed and not unified, and there is a high risk of tooth loss.

Always take a close look at your teeth to ensure you do not have any of these symptoms, but if you ever do, do not fret. All you have to do is just contact Oak Ridges North Dental. We will give you the best gum disease treatment as soon as possible.

Causes of Gum Diseases

One of the essential hacks to maintaining good dental health is knowing and understanding anything that can lead to dental complications. Of course, you should not just know them, but you should always be conscious of them and stay clear of all that could be detrimental to your gum. Among the causes of gum diseases are:

Stress weakens the body’s immunity to bacteria encroachment.
In addition, cancer and the treatments can make an individual more vulnerable to bacteria, increasing the chances of infection.
The change in hormones associated with pregnancy, maturation, and menopause are typical causes of gum disease. The increased hormone levels make the blood vessels in the gum tissue more vulnerable to microorganisms and toxin attacks. As a result, gum disease is prevalent between 70 and 90 percent of the time during maturation.
Alcohol has a terrible impact on oral protective factors.

There are two approaches to treating gum diseases; surgical treatment and non-surgical treatment.

Non-surgical Gum Disease Treatment in Richmond Hill

Root Planing and Scaling

Root planing and scaling, also known as an intense cleanup, is usually reserved for patients with an elevated likelihood of acquiring gum disease or contracting a dental condition.
Suppose plaque accumulates over some time without being appropriately removed. As a result, it can toughen and solidify into tartar or calculus, leading to periodontitis and other severe oral-related diseases. When this happens, root planing and scaling are required to confirm that the concrete plaque is removed. The most common reason for using root planning and scaling is to remove tartar and plaque under the gum line.

Dental Cleaning

In a routine checkup, your dentist will eliminate plaque and tartar (plaque that accumulates and deforms the surface of the teeth and can only be destroyed by highly thorough/experienced cleaning) from all teeth on and around the gums. If you show symptoms of gum disease, your doctor may advise you to have professional teeth cleanings not only two times a year but more. Dental cleanings do not address aggressive dental problems. They are, however, a valuable form of protection that can assist you in preventing its growth.

Surgical Gum Disease Treatment in Richmond Hill

Dental Bone Graft

The purpose of this technique is to reconstruct an aspect of the jaw that has been missing bone or that needs additional support. It is possible to surgically join bone from other body parts to the mouth’s established bone. It is also possible to use artificial materials.

If additional procedures, such as dental implants, are required, or if bone loss threatens the ability of the surrounding teeth and gums, a dental bone graft may be necessary.

Bone grafting is used when an individual does not have enough healthy and strong bones to sustain dental implants.

Soft Tissue Graft

This treatment strengthens weak gums or completes gaps where gums have ruptured. The dentist sews the grafted tissue in place, usually from the upper jaw to the impacted region.

Pocket Reduction Surgery/Flap Surgery 

This process raises the gums back and eliminates tartar. In certain instances, the defected bone’s irregular areas regulate the regions in which disease-causing bacteria can survive. It is then necessary to align the gums around the tooth in order to achieve a natural appearance. This technique lessens the space between the tooth and the gum, reducing the regions where damaging organisms live and the likelihood of life-threatening diseases affiliated with gum disease.

Guided Tissue Regeneration

Following tooth damage, this technique stimulates gum tissue and promotes bone regeneration. The flap surgery involves embedding a small piece of mesh-like cloth between the bone and gum cells. This prevents gingiva from expanding into the skeletal area, allowing bone, tendons, and ligaments to grow back and better aid the teeth.

Surgery on The Bones

This helps balance self-absorbed bone eruptions caused by normal to extensive bone loss. A flap surgery also restructures the bone around the tooth to reduce craters. Unfortunately, this makes bacteria collection and growth more difficult.

Contact Us for the Best Gum Disease Treatment in Richmond Hill!

Surgeries can be very delicate, and the best thing you can do for yourself is to have a skilled dental professional. Need an expert in oral health for gum disease treatment in Richmond Hill?

Reach out to Oak Ridges North Dental today.