How Does Smiling Affect Health?


“Peace Begins with a Smile,” Mother Teresa.


Many say it takes more muscles to frown rather than smile. Even though there’s no hard proof to support that, we all know that smiling affects health. It has countless benefits. Indeed, smiling isn’t the easiest thing to do, especially after you have had a hectic and stressful day. But help yourself to crack a smile. Believe me, you would actually feel much better.   

In terms of psychology, whether your smile is forced or not, it can affect your body and mind in different positive ways. Furthermore, it benefits your health, mood and the moods of people around you. According to one study, smiling can help you heal faster from stress and reduce your heart rate.    

On the other hand, if we want to examine it medically, when you smile, your brain’s job is to release some tiny molecules called neuropeptides that will fight stress. Other neurotransmitters, such as endorphins and serotonin, also play a great part. Serotonin is an anti-depressant, while endorphins function as a mild pain reliever.


Benefits of Smile 

Smiling Helps You Live Longer 

Undoubtedly, smiling is one of the most efficient ways to lengthen your lifespan. People who smile seem to have better health. However, it is not proven how that can help. Research shows that happiness could increase the amount of lifespan by years. 


Smiling Is Contagious   

Of course, you know that a smile can light up a room. Not only does smiling boost your own mood, but it can also change the moods of others -of course, for the better-. Research claims that smiles are very contagious. Basically, as you watch other people’s facial expressions, your brain automatically recognizes and interprets them, meaning that you might notice someone else’s smile and then smile yourself.   


Smiling Effects Health & Relieves Stress   

Unfortunately, smiling can affect your entire attitude. Furthermore, this will be shown on your face and expressions. However, not only does smiling stop us from looking worn down and exhausted, it will reduce stress. Try intentionally putting a smile on your face when you feel stressed out. As a result, you may feel happier and be able to deal with your stress more effectively.


Smiling Effects Your Appearance & Confidence   

We all know that smiling can affect our appearance as it makes us look friendly, approachable, and relaxed. Surprisingly, another thing it does is makes you look younger. The power smiling has is that it makes people more open toward you and the fact that they want to spend more time with you. Furthermore, we all know that having more friends will increase your self-esteem and confidence.


Oral Health is Good for Your Overall Health   

At Oak Ridges North Dental in Richmond Hill, we value a healthy mouth that helps you maintain a healthy body. That is the reason we tell our patients to get a regular dental check-ups to keep their overall health.   

Altogether, if you want a healthy, beautiful, and confident smile, we would be pleased to provide the best cosmetic dentistry.    

Call us today or request an appointment.